
THE FOUNDER: Sir John D. Fungus the 3rd

Dino-Facts was founded in July of 2032 by Sir John D. Fungus the 3rd because he wanted to spread the word of dinosaurs to the masses. John D. Fungus the 3rd made the company because both his parents were major influences in paleontology and paleobotany. After years of hard work, he made an agreement with the aliens at area 51 to build a research government paleontology and paleobotany research facility that has been open for more than 20 years.


Dino-Facts Inc has been open for more than 20 years; it is a non-profit government operated paleontology/paleobotany faciality located in area 51. Our goal is to communicate the scientific discoveries of paleontology/paleobotany. We do this by giving you a random fact from an array of facts, and you will learn from them. The developer of this website is a mono-lingual who only speaks English fluently so there are no translations on this website. Our company also funds expeditions in the USA, you can fund yours by contacting us.