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Gabriel Robert Andrews

Past Present Phuture


I was born at a very young age, with an obsession for pre-history that never stopped. I didn't know how to read until I was 6, and I have been playing Minecraft since I was 3. I got into programming at the age of 9 and built my first robot at age 10. I was diagnosed with autism at age 3 (it is very visible at ages 1 and 2). At age 4, I discovered that loud noises scare me and give me a headache. At age 12, I became a stage technician, and at age 13, I failed art class. At age 14, I learned that if I do all my work now, I won't have to worry about it later. At age 15, I binge-watched all of "Adventur Time" and "Fiona and Cake" in about 2 weeks. At 14 I found out I was color blind and have not shut up about it sennse


I don't know what's going on in the present; to me, that's the future, and technically, we are all living miliseconds in the past. I'm probably converting sugar, mitocontrea chemical, and oxygen into carbon dioxide and energy for my body, or I'm dead. Things change, but as of writing this, I got to MTCHS and still have not completed High Knight. I am also learning more every single day and plan to do so until I die; side note: I am finding out the more I learn, the better my dream CG gets.


The future is any time after the pressent these are my predictions. I will know what the one piece is, have a job, and know how to ride a bike again, and will most likely die of a heart attack or pollution. I will 1000% become a wizard with engineering powers. The statement below might not be true in the future, and I won't know until the future; fish might not be my favorite type of creature any more.